Sunday, November 30, 2008

pyrrhic circumstances

Should any of this disturb or unsettle you, my sweet, since you're likely to read this, remember, you are my beloved, my fiance.

It's a mixed blessing, the way I am with sex. If I know a person, know them enough to open up my life to them, I can love them. There's only one person I've ever been with that I felt nothing for. I was with her for one night, and it left me a shell for days, scarred up my knee quite badly. If I've known someone emotionally, intellectually, even a little bit, I have the capacity to love them. I often do love them. And the odd thing about people you've loved, at least with me, is that they stay with you. I know that Dan emery tells us that "old lovers aren't ghosts, they're just part of who (we) are," but I feel haunted. I do, really. It's so odd.

What prompted this train of thought more or less is just a common couple squabble: Comparison of exes. I shouldn't ask about shit, I really shouldn't. But, I did. And I hate being compared to exes. I'm the "slut" in the relationship, so I can't compare her to anyone, nor do I want to. The thought does occur to me, every now and then. It does jump out at me sometimes. I dreamed it, the other day, the literal situation of the thought: I'm waking up in the morning and I turn over, and there is the silhouette of Sarah, the woman I woke up next to so often, taunting me.

"Wasn't all the sex we had spectacular? You know it was. Wasn't I available? You're never ever getting your old knife back."

I throw her away from my sight, she rises in thin violet smoke from my bedsheets. I shake the sleep from my eyes and turn to see Jess, sitting at my computer, googling random nonsense. She doesn't turn to face me.

You did me an injustice. And you lost your connection to the art world when you burned this bridge. Do you remember how demanding I was sexually? You'll never get that again.

It's a lie. I'm ecstatic with my fiance. I'll get that level again, eventually. I spin the chair like a top and she falls to sparkling grey dust. I sprint away and up the stairs, into the bathroom. I see Valerie sitting at the table down the hall as I close the door. She acknowledges me and fades away. The shower steams and fogs. I pull back the door to see Avery, nude, leaning against the pale wall. Nearly fainting again... Is she there? Is she asleep? From her mouth fall a few words, becoming more.

You left me broken again. I was always exhausted, but every time we were together we fucked at least 2 times. You've gone down a ring on the ladder. And it was great.

She passes out and turns to red mist, flowing into the steam and turning to water, she slips down the drain. She was always tired and we did fuck like rabbits, and it was good, but we just used each other. She is wrong. It was empty. I loved her as a person, as a damaged piece of goods like me but different. She'd taken more pain, that's undeniable, but we complained to each other and it felt good. Misery in company. But it was...lackluster. And I didn't love her as a woman, as anything but a reflection of my own pain. And I never told her I felt strongly. But she was the first woman I broke up with, and I made her cry.

Still, I'd never trade anything I've ever had with anyone for what I have with Katie. She's my one and only. If I was to go without for the rest of my life I'd still say as I do now, Katie is my one and only. I'd do anything to be with her, for her, for her safety, for her happiness. I love her.

As I step out of the bathroom, cloaked in terrycloth, I see a dark figure crouched on the stairs. she walks up and nuzzles into me, moving far too fast, gliding in the shadows like a prowling animal. She bites my neck and slips a set of razor blades into my right hand.

We fucked, and it was dark and satisfying and frequent. I brought out the worst in you, the worst you've ever been. But wasn't it fun, wasn't it spectacularly hedonistic? Wouldn't you prefer pleasure and pain?

I take her wrist in my hand, the small brown wrist that holds more sharp points, and I break it, and I toss her away from me. she shatters like black sea glass.

I love Katie, love her now, love her always, and wear my future ring around my neck at this very moment. But nothing fixes errors made, nothing but time heals such wounds. I know I am her's. Her life partner. Her life, even. And she is mine. But I feel inadequate whenever we talk of exes, and she seems to so often, despite being the good one. I, the "slut," try never to speak of these things. I don't want to compare her to anyone, because it is wrong, and it would hurt her, and I love her, and no one else. But I feel so often compared to, so often inadequate.

When I lay with her in our bed, and I'm holding her to me, I sometimes feel that I've several women behind me, all spooning me as one fluid caterpillar like beast. And I wonder, does she have such a monster attached to her too?

Saturday, November 29, 2008

Pipe Dreams

We're not going to get that house. I was a fool to think we could. I'd have to sell my book, she'd have to make a good deal of money. We simply can't. She wants to sell so that she makes enough to live on, for a few more years. Knowing my luck she won't live much longer, the house will go to the bank, and my last memory of her will be of her apologizing because there's no way we could ever afford it, Katie and I. We leech off of our families, the job market is worth than nothing, and we don't have the savings. If we were to be married tomorrow and try to move in together, we'd have to live in my room, in my parent's basement. God that's depressing. I don't know where we will go, what we will do.

Why is it that seemingly every woman I've loved comes from some shattered home I need to rescue her from? Has society sunk as low as I'd thought? I always think the worst so I can, every now and then, be pleasantly surprised when people really are decent.

I guess I'll live past 30. I have a reason to, now. That struck me tonight, that I suddenly didn't have my 2 classic back up plans.

1. Live out of my car until greener pastures show themselves. Not do-able when you've a partner.

2. Suicide. I've a partner now. Her life is mine and mine is hers. The option is simply erased.

It's an odd feeling, the lack of power I suddenly felt when I noticed this. The sudden escape plan I didn't have. I can't go off my meds, either. Insanity is the escape chute I'm no longer allowed because it would be irresponsible. There are times when I'm hopeless that I miss it though. It would be the ultimate in irresponsibility to simply up and vanish, and I've known since I met her that I can never live for just myself ever again, for I have her. I have purpose. But, the path I must follow to provide for her, to get a house, to do all those things, I can't divine it.

Where do we go?

Thursday, November 13, 2008

I long for medieval medicine

Read this first. It's kinda important that you know what it is.

And this is how I am feeling now:


I just wish I could do something. Anything, really. My mother is in enough pain that she said the only thing she could compare it to is childbirth, a pain I cannot ever fully comprehend. All I can do, I suppose, is try to pick up my end of the slack around the house. Do more of the cooking, and the cleaning. But, I am not here that often anymore. At least if we were being told by some wise old medical wizard I could be told to go and sacrifice a goat or cover her in leeches or something. Do not attempt to advocate prayer to me. As I believe Ghandi said,
"Two working hands accomplishes much more than a thousand hands clasped in prayer."
But, for her suffering I can't do a damn thing. She said she's beginning to get health problems like my grandmother has. My grandmother is on a large quantity of pain medication, for she is in very much pain. I well up a little over this entire situation.

My little sister and I thankfully have oddly strong bones and joints, and are not at much risk. My youngest sister, it seems, is. I'm scared for her, I'm scared for my mother. I've warned my fiance in the past that she must face her mother's mortality someday, despite her apparent good health, for it is just realistic. I hoped it would lighten the hit she will one day emotionally take. But when it dopes happen, she'll have my shoulder to cry into.

Tomorrow I shall utilize hers.

Friday, November 7, 2008

My mother knows me too well

A (very) recent exchange between her and I:

"Uh, hey, can I have my batarangs back?"

She considered the question for a moment, looked me in the eyes, and said very calmly, yet still quite firmly, "no."

She could tell, I suppose, how tempted I was. How queer my attitude had turned since my little sister accidentally ruined my evening. It was not her fault, but she has doomed me to a weekend without feelings of love instilled in my head. In my heart, most certainly do I feel them often. Always, even.

But up in my damnable brain I don't.

I keep forgetting I don't have any knives. That black hole of an ex took my best one, never to return it. She "lost" it. I hate her for that. I surrendered most of my blades to my mother after my last breakdown. I still have my cards and my multitool, but damn it all, I wanted my real blades. I miss them, and though it would conjure a veritable shit storm from my fiance and I would add many bruises to new scars from her hands, I still wanted it tonight.

I suppose if I really needed it I could have used what I do have access to. I wanted it though. I wanted it bad. Very bad.

Too beautiful for words...

Saturday, November 1, 2008


You read it right ladies and Gentlemen. Nothing but the best American bona-fide pure Grade A expert certified S M U T. Katie had a small request for two characters to write and though I'm not oft one for the fanfiction, I do enjoy filling writing requests. So I now present to you a story entitled The Favor of the female Jester.

Oooooooooooooh yeeeeaaaaaaahhhhh.

Thanks to Francesco Francavilla (blog) for the borrowed sketch.

Moving right along, time for a header

Steady as she goes

So the fiance and I had a spiff last night. I thin k it all has something to do with the nature of my disorder and the fact that I have so much sexual dysfunction. It might have been affected by her un-medicated state, but that does not excuse my behavior. I dwell on things instead of burying them because I do not know how to deal. When something is on my mind like what I've informally referred to as "sexual frustration" I tend to focus on it because talking about my issues helps me get them out. I haven't seen my therapist in quite a while now, and I absolutely refuse to do anything unhealthy like cutting or obsessive dieting and exercise because as much as it would hurt me (or so I'm told it does. I fucking love doing it.) it would hurt Katie more, and I just want her happy. She makes these offers of ways to fix my problems but they seem like a compromiose of who she is as a person to do so. I know there is no love without some compromise now and again but denying who you are as a person is not the way to healthily remain in a relationship. I know I'm meant to be with her, as she knows she is with me. Nothing changes that. Nothing ever could. But these little roadblocks we hit while our minds are not running at peak performance, they do hurt to go over. So I'm not really completely sure even what we fought about. But I know I made her feel like shit somehow. I hate that, and I don't know how to remedy it. I wish I did. Somehow I think poetry or flowers wont help. But we'll talk about it and see what the issue was/is. It's cliche as all hell, but true love weathers all storms.

It is also likely important to note that I or she or we may be grossly over-reacting. If it turns out to be so, disregard...90% of this post. Just go read the smut instead.