Sunday, July 6, 2008

My cousin the journalist having one of these has jealously led me towards the creation of my very own blog.

You know, my mother always said I was the more talented of the two of us. Then again, I bet his mother told him the very same thing. So here I am on some sort of website writing up my opinion(s) whether valid or invalid up for all of the internet in its quivering filthy huddled mass to view and judge. As for the explanation of my title, I shall refer you to a comic published by DC back in the 80's and written by none other than the old wizard himself: Alan Moore. From "The Killing Joke"

"I've demonstrated that there's no difference between me and anyone else! All it takes is one bad day to reduce the sanest man alive to lunacy. That's how far away the world is from where I am. Just one bad day."

Thus, my title. Because I feel like I walk on the edge day in and day out. The event horizon is visible, but never passed. At least not yet. I've had moments where I felt the overwhelming sensation of some superior sanity begin to overtake me; but I have not yet succumbed. With any luck, I never will.

Not many (if any) will be reading this as I update, perhaps day to day if the situation calls for it. But I feel it necessary if even for my own honesty to start off on the right foot. I've a history of violence and mental illness. Take your pick, I've probably been told I'm it at one point in my life. It took this long for the formal diagnosis of Borderline Personality Disorder to be applied to me. However, I am not my condition. I am not defined by my mental disorder, by my social interaction (or lack thereof) , or even any of my scars (to be covered in a later post). I am defined by my writing. The written word being the only place I feel I can accurately convey in any type of translatable way the manner in which I perceive and interpret the world around me.

My name is Benjamin. Welcome to my blog.

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