Monday, September 22, 2008

"You don't need to be here"

That's what Dr. Remington of Yale psychiatric said to me today.

In your fucking face, life, especially to those who have been doubting me. I'm taking care of it, I'm doing better than ever both physically, psychologically, and I'm doing even pretty well scholastically. I'm living the high life, bitches.

Here's my message to you my ex friend who tried to get me committed. In relation to you from now on:

Read it, learn it, know it. Steph, I know you weren't alone, and I know you have the best intentions so I will forgive you this. In fact it serves as a testament to how well I'm progressing that I'm laughing about all this. I may be a ways off center but I'm not that bad right now. Part of doing the SSI is to prevent me from ever getting that bad. Get it? Got it? Good.

Note to cops who apparently read my blog. The 1st amendment permits me this blog just like it permits me a journal which I also keep. The picture you were so concerned about was for a COSTUME. There are more pictures of it on the damn page had you just looked. I know, doing your job, I respect that, but this was an unnecessary hassle, guys.

And now, here's a funny picture to bring up everyone's spirits.

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