Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Almost Valentines

After I ended it with Rachel, and it was a short thing too so ending it wasn't so bad, I came to the conclusion that I should be alone for a while. Perhaps 6 months to a year. I'm going to stop looking, try and stop thinking about it. Just going to be Ben for a while.

Professor Mock gave me a yes on being my honors thesis adviser. This makes me super happy. My novella rest at 89 pages. It needs work in the middle, but I need to step back and re-evaluate where it really needs it. I can tell I'm so close to finding where I need to work. I know the first part still needs some sharpening and 2 small areas need to be filled in, but I'm....I'm so close. I can taste it.

Today was semi-productive. Slept through alarms, AGAIN. New meds are evil. But I have 3 alarms set for tomorrow, and my little sister as a just in case agent will knock on my door around 7. I've worked out tonight and will shower and stuff tonight before bed so I can just roll out of bed tomorrow. Got fingerprints done today so I'm only a few steps away from being able to substitute teach in West Haven. Amazing, I'm going back to that place. At least this time I'll be getting paid, right?

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