Wednesday, April 8, 2009

3 quotes, and then some disussion

"All your followers are blind.
Too much heaven on their minds."

Said by Judas to Jesus in Jesus Christ Superstar.

"A lie is a lie even if everyone believes it. The truth is the truth even if nobody believes it."

- David Stevens

"Collective fear stimulates herd instinct, and tends to produce ferocity toward those who are not regarded as members of the herd."

- Bertrand Russel

I had this discussion with Noreen about people's beliefs and tolerance, and I just kept getting angrier and angrier. Why do we have to put up with something if its wrong? I'm all for being a good person and all that. After all, I am a humanist. But, I keep seeing this stupidity. These wrong opinions. Why do we have to put up with them all? Tolerance breeds peace, but not tranquility. It's a peace just barely there. The discord bubbles to the surface. I don't even go against religious people now. For the most part I think they're fools, but I'm not explicitly fighting with them anymore. Hell, since that Rx drug trip made me hallucinate Gods I'm even an agnostic. But I just want to rage at these god damn fools. Human progression is slowed by foolishness. I'm not advocating a coup where the intelligent rise up to rule, I just. I dunno. I wish I was in Denmark. I wish I was in Sweden. We should be at that level now. We should have moved past this ridiculousness.There are more non religious people now than ever before, and our numbers keep growing. But when will we arrive to our Jerusalem? If you are part of what keeps humanity down, why should I tolerate you? You are a parasite! Darren is a good person, not possessed by his silly superstition. I can support that.

Common sense people. Being a good person is all that matters. The rest is nothing but detrimental. A crutch humanity hobbles on with.

I've been annoyed by this for years. I don't know when I'll get over it. To religious people who read my blog: no offense intended, just venting.

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