Monday, August 10, 2009

Papyrus Cardiac Organ

Ha ha ha. See that title? It's a joke because the film I wanted to see (Paper Heart) has been released, but only limited for the moment. A wider release is scheduled for Friday. I'm still rather peeved by the entire thing. So this weekend I have "Paper Heart" and "District 9" both on the docket. Should be an eventful few days.

Today I'm hanging around the house, driving the girls a few places, letting Alexandra practice her automotive skills, and hanging around online. I enjoy driving Mom's car around. It's a nice vehicle. I washed most of it yesterday, by hand with an all-purpose cleaner. I can't reach the roof though. Gonna need to hit a car wash eventually. My automobile is running fine, but I'm worried about the chassis. Old warhorse like her, metal could be warping. I shouldn't dwell on it too much though. worrying can't improve anything. Ever.

I'm still wet while typing. Fresh out of the shower. My long hair is really awesome, yet really annoying. It stays wet for hours. I really needed a shower. Jess and I consummated our complete lack of a relationship 3 times yesterday. It's a bittersweet bathing ritual, this morning-after shower. Nothing else in the world smells quite the same as sex. The unmistakable musk that emanates from somewhere beneath the skin, somewhere beyond the nostrils it hangs and waits. I'm glad to be fresh again, but I sort of miss the stench that reminded me I'm not alone. I've made powerful connections with so many women. Jess keeps coming back to me for the sex, and a little for my personality too. But mainly the sex. What we have now works, especially since I no longer believe in love. I'm not really looking for my soul mate anymore. I think I'm just looking for a partner I can "love" in my own way. It's unfortunate that it can't be Jess. I don't love her, and I'm never going to.

Ah well. Arkham Asylum comes out....or came out. Not sure. I don't have a system. Bryan does though. Perhaps I can convince him to let me play it with him. It would certainly brighten up my summer.

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