Friday, May 7, 2010

Charitable Events I believe should exist

Occasionally, ideas come to me that I would like to talk about, but until the advent of the blog I did not have the forum to express them effectively. But now I can. This is one of those times. May I present to you, Charitable Events I believe should exist, but probably don't. I can't be bothered to actually research any of them.

The Arthritis walk

Home run contest to support Lou Gehrig's disease.

Spelling Bee for Dyslexia

Dodgeball benefit for Landmine survivors

Kickboxing for quadruple amputees

Hockey for the frostbitten

MADD Drinking contests

ASPCA Cockfighting

Pie Eating contest to support sufferers of Bulimia

Mountain Climbing towards a cure for Acrophobia

Biathlon for bipolar disorder

Cheerleading for low self-esteem

And finally

Horse Racing for the cure for beastiality.

1 comment:

  1. There is an Arthritis Walk from the Arthritis Foundation
