Monday, March 14, 2011

Movie Review: Rango

I was hesitant to see this film until I read a few short reviews online. Despite the film's odd marketing strategy of showing the most boring parts of the film, Rango is actually a damn good film, by any standards. I, like many of you, had my doubts about this movie, especially when looking at some of the production team. Nickelodeon does not have the strongest track record in this area, with the last film of theirs I generally liked hailing all the way back from 2002, but Rango's sheer excellence will keep me from disregarding film's based on Nickelodeon's involvement ever again. My one biggest issue with Rango's marketing is that this film is not a comedy. Rango is an action-adventure tale of finding yourself, that has comedy sprinkled throughout. Don't take that to mean I didn't laugh though. I laughed a hell of a lot, but what I remember most is the plot and the action, not the jokes.

Johnny Depp plays the titular Rango, a pet lizard accidentally left in a harsh unforgiving desert landscape who is forced to forge a new identity in this new environment, an environment that was pulled right out of an old Clint Eastwood western. Not only is Depp great in this, but he even reprises a fan-favorite role for a brief but very satisfying Fear And Loathing In Las Vegas cameo. Depp's performance as Rango is masterfully precise. But from Depp, what else would you expect?

Western genre veteran Timothy Olyphant makes a brief appearance as a character simply named The Spirit Of The West. When the character shows up I got giddy like a schoolgirl. I'd say more, but I really don't want to spoil this one for you, because I want you to go out and see this movie.

The rest of the cast was similarly chosen and plays their parts similarly well. Particularly well done is the character Beans, Rango's love interest, as portrayed by actress Isla Fisher. We get a few powerful performances by veterans like Bill Nighy, Ned Beatty, and Harry Dean Stanton. I don't have much to say about any of the voice actors in this film, because I have no reason to complain. Every performance was dead on, and the animation matched the voices perfectly, this most likely owing to the "Emotion Capture" style of acting employed. It's hard to explain precisely what they did, so here's the video:

Like any good western film, Rango features its share of action scenes out in the desert, but not all of them are simple gun fights. In fact, none of them are. Amazing chase scenes, a couple great shoot outs, and an incredible aerial battle where moles ride on bats and shoot machine guns. Yeah, that's what I said. Moles riding bats and shooting machine guns.

The music was ever-present and always fitting, sometimes expected, but never disappointing. I can now say I've heard Wagner played on banjo, if that gives you an idea. The music is done mostly by the sometimes capable, sometimes amazing, Hans Zimmer, with occasional help from the band Los Lobos. The score may not be as iconic as the classic westerns it is trying to emulate, but it comes pretty close, and is anything but disappointing.

Rango was given a hard PG rating. There's violence, a few adult jokes, and a few surprising curse words. Not many films can find the balance where both children and adults will love the story and how it is told, but Rango absolutely does it. I was taken aback and pleasantly surprised when I heard one of the film's more terrifying enemies, Rattlesnake Jake, say words like "Hell," and, "damn." Actually, that really describes the whole film for me. Taken aback, and pleasantly surprised, by the writing, the acting, the story, the action scenes, the overall messages, I could go on, but what else is there for me to say before I begin rambling and spoiling? If you love animation, or westerns, or comedies, or just Johnny Depp, this film is for you. Go out and see this great movie, whether with kids or not. Rango receives four and one half stars, out of five.

****.5 out of *****

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